Tag Archives: Eric ‘E’ Murphy

Episode 5 “Tree Trippers” Review

Tree Trippers is right. The most stunning cinematography you will see in Entourage. Mostly shot at Joshua Tree National Park, this episode culminated in the boys having some ‘time-out’. Using this trip, Vincent Chase tries to gather his thoughts to make the right call on whether to do a Benji movie or try and push for Smokejumpers.

Ari‘s little trippin’ out was the funniest. Seeing Ari lose control like this, has to be one of the best moments of the series. While Lloyd under the usual barrage of abuse, reacts superbly, hosting a gay party at Ari’s house, giving Ari a big “F*ck you!” for once. Although Mrs. Gold wasn’t pleased.

If you have ever watched the Sopranos – this episode seemed like it would take the route of Season 6 Episode 2 : Join the Club. One of those weird nonsensical drugged-out hallucinogenic dreams. But it wasn’t, in fact it was more akin to Six Feet Under Season 1 Episode 9 : Life’s Too Short when the 60+ year old mother gets high on ecstasy. It gave a real sense of brotherhood between the guys. And a pleasant break from the Hollywood lifestyle. The dialogue while they were trippin’ was most memorable, this really was Doug Ellin (or was it Ally Musika?) at his best, and definitely worth re-watching.

This episode posed several questions of what the future could hold for the boys -Will Turtle actually get a job? Will Vinnie star in Smokejumpers?
Exciting times ahead…and we’re almost halfway through.


Filed under Celebrity, Comedy, Dramedy, Entourage, HBO, Season 5, TV

Episode 2 “Unlike a Virgin” Review

A star studded episode featuring cameo appearances of Mark Wahlberg, Tony Bennett and Giovanni Ribisi. Not to mention Leighton Meester, what a good looker. Another one for the series

Vincent Chase suffered a bit of a crisis, as his insecurity shows when his old flame pawns him off. But as Vinnie always does, he gets who he wants in the end. While this is happening E tries to broad his horizons by trying to hire a couple of writers, while Drama is living high with his long-distance relationship with Jacq, although his obsession gets the better of him.

“This town loves a comeback, and since Britney f*cked hers up, it’s all you!” – Ari Gold

Ari is caught in a moment of tension and frustration with the lack of jobs going Vincent’s way.
Vinnie is definitely putting the pressure on. And is ready to play the Hollywood game again.

Turtle seems to have caught a bit of Vinnie’s thunder and is actually getting some. While E is strictly business and Drama back to his dorky best. It seems that the boys are still up to there lavish lifestyle. Livin’ it up and unemployed. But will it last?

Life is about to be a whole lot busier for the boys of Entourage. A preview of Episode 3 is out there somewhere…so stay tuned!


Filed under Celebrity, Comedy, Dramedy, Entourage, HBO, Season 5, TV

Everybody hates Entourage

Another rather intriguing article by Chuck Klosterman for The Guardian (UK).

chuck-klosterman_entourage.png When you start to read this article you think “Oh another one of the haters”, but after a few lines you begin to feel for the poor guy.. he absolutely loves Entourage and doesn’t know why.
Entourage is definitely entertainment. Entourage is definitely a TV show. OK it doesn’t have the insightful philosophical script that other ‘shows’ have, it is comedy with a touch of drama (pun intended!).

It is meant to make you laugh, smile and just relax with a few beers and friends on the side. Your attention span is not needed 100% of the time, pay attention to the boobs, to the frustrations of Ari Gold, to the trials and tribulations of Eric ‘E’ Murphy, and occasionally look at what Vinnie is up to, those are the only prerequisites here buddy. It is only a 22 minute show. A perfect lunchtime special.

Chuck Klosterman is no average joe when it comes to TV shows. But we still think he feels guilty for loving Entourage 🙂


Filed under Dramedy, Entourage